Brussels, 22 November 2018, the TRAN Committee (Transport and Tourism) of the European Parliament has adopted today its own initiative report on Autonomous Driving in European Transport 2018/2089(INI) to respond to the Commission Communication “On the road to automated mobility: An EU strategy for mobility of the future”.
FIGIEFA welcomes that the Parliament own-initiative report – led by the Dutch MEP Wim Van de Camp (EPP) – took once more the opportunity to stress the need to establish a robust regulatory system on the use of in-vehicle data before January 2020. This is also in line with the Parliament‘s Report on C-ITS of 13 March 2018 which called on the Commission to publish a legislative proposal on access to in-vehicle data and resources by the end of the year.
From the point of view of FIGIEFA which, together with several other European associations in the automotive sector, has constantly been standing for the introduction of European rules enabling an equal access to in-vehicle data for all players of the mobility eco-system – the most important parts of the report are:
Paragraph 4a
- “Affirms the need to explore legislative actions to ensure fair and secure, real-time and technology-neutral access to in-vehicle data by some 3rd party entities; such access should enable end users and third parties to benefit from digitalisation and promote a level playing field and security with regard to storage of in-vehicle data.
Paragraph 8
- “Notes that reliable in-vehicle and route data are fundamental building blocks for the achievement of both autonomous and connected driving in a Single European Transport Area and for competitive services for end users; urges the Commission, therefore, to ensure that obstacles to the use of such data, are dismantled and a robust regulatory system in this respect is put in place before 1 January 2020, ensuring the same data quality and availability across Member States;”
FIGIEFA therefore calls upon the Commission to act upon its recommendation – as part of the Third Mobility Package published last May – to include guidance into the planned Recommendation on “5G, cybersecurity and data governance framework” and to deliver – also in line with the Parliament‘s Report on C-ITS – a concrete work programme leading to a legal framework enabling equal competition in digital services.